Prayer, Creativity & Faith


booksSo. Tomorrow is the day. So much has gone into this. So much time. So much emotion. I’ve held nothing back. I’ve been thrilled to be able to share my book with some of you earlier, before the official release date. But now? My little bouncing baby book is about to come out into this big, crazy world.

It really is a lot like giving birth. And it holds so many similar fears and hopes. What kinds of people will it encounter? Will it be safe? What will it become? Can it withstand scrutiny? What will it be like when not everyone loves it? When people who are not related to it, who are without any emotional or genetic ties, decide its worth? What happens when I’m not able to shelter it?

Because not only is this my baby, it is my life, my faith, my way of seeing the world. And it’s scary to put that out in such a formal, public manner, to risk criticism. Because it’s so personal, it may be hard for me to separate people who disagree with something, or don’t understand, or don’t care for my writing, from criticism of myself.

My friend Stephanie told me something last week that keeps running through my head. I was incredibly anxious about speaking at a pastors’ conference and she pulled me aside and said this: God already gave you the message. All you’re doing is sharing what He already gave.

In other words, too late for angst. Too late to worry about specific words and stories. It’s time to sit back and keep my eyes open to see what God will do, what people He will reach, what lessons He has for me in this. I’m totally fine with that. Pressure is off. I’m now here prepared to enjoy connecting with people who cross my path… starting with the book release party here in Crawfordsville on Friday, May 1 at 7 pm at the Carnegie Museum! If you’re even semi-local, I hope you’ll come by.


I’m posting about the release one day early, because I’m going to have lots of guest blog posts to share with you. I’m especially excited that I was invited to post at (in)courage tomorrow, so I’ll be posting that one then. But I’m also really excited today to post at Courtney Westlake’s blog Blessed by Brenna, an amazing blog about an amazing family. Courtney and I share a literary agent and she seems absolutely lovely. Read about some of the things that keep us from seeing God (surely I’m not the only one who stumbles)—and enter to win a copy of my book!

In the meantime, feel free to download a copy of my NEW May prayer prompt calendar. It’s available now.




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