I don’t really do resolutions, but the start of a new year always fills me with this feeling like my heart will burst because it’s so full of the desire to do something. To be better, to learn new things, to find my way to a different, deeper kind of happiness and contentment. The possibilities are endless, and I love a fresh start.
I also love building community, sharing what I’m doing, and learning from other people along the way.
So I decided to do something slightly ambitious, but not too time-consuming or complicated. My plan is to post a simple challenge every month, here on my blog. I’m hoping you’ll come along on this journey, and share your own experiences and hopes.
January’s challenge: TRY SOMETHING.
This year I want to make a practice of watercolor journaling. I love to write and paint (although I’m still more or less a beginner). I want to fill pages with observations, prayers, concepts, colors. I don’t know how it will evolve or whether I can sustain the practice. It’s been fun for the past four days, but what will happen when I have meetings and deadlines hanging over my head? I guess we’ll see.
Maybe it will make me a better designer. After all, my job is all about working with typography and designing information on a page.
Maybe it will make me a better writer. It will give me practice observing, connecting, and thinking about the world all around me, and editing my words on the fly to fit in the available space.
Maybe it will make me a better painter. I will gain control over my brush technique and color mixing, no matter what my subject matter is. And hopefully let go of my need to try to be perfect.
Maybe it will make me more creative. Maybe I will start to play with and explore all kinds of things, not just on the pages of my journal, but in everyday life.
Or maybe I will grow bored, and it will help me discover the next next thing. But even if it doesn’t work out, and even if I fall short (which I inevitably will), at least I tried something. And that, to me, is worth something.
How about you? What do you want to try?
I am trying to write short shorts again and pen and ink. I also like watercolors and find them challenging.
AWESOME … and encouraging. Looking forward to each posting.