Prayer, Creativity & Faith

For the one who’s not rejoicing

I don’t know what kind of world we are about to face. I have my fears and legitimate concerns, like many of the rest of you. At the same time, I know some of you feel like God has prevailed and all will now be well. I feel an obligation to offer words of wisdom and hope, and right now all I have is tears—and lots of them.

But I’m reaching out today to say this: If you are hurting, if you are overcome with sorrow, if you are heartbroken and cannot understand how we got here, you are not alone. You are safe with me. I’m sorry, so very sorry. We are allowed to feel pain, we are allowed to mourn, we are allowed to feel sad and need time to reevaluate our views about our fellow Americans who see the world so differently—or maybe it’s that they want the world to be drastically different from the one we long for.

But here’s one thing I know. Just because something happens, that does NOT prove that it is God’s will. How many millions of examples can we find of bad things that happened? Was Hitler God’s will? Is hatred God’s will? I will never believe the ends justify the means, when the means are hurting and alienating others.

Even in the darkness, God is with us. My prayer today is for those of us who are trying desperately to hold onto faith in a God who seems very different from the one being shouted about by those rejoicing in the election outcome. 

Lord, grant us peace. Lord, comfort us in our sorrow. Lord, remind us that’s not who you are. Lord, show us how to love others and not become bitter and petty in response to our disappointment. Lord, have mercy on this country. And Lord, show us a way forward.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. If you need more time than that to grieve, that’s okay. But when you’re ready, pick yourself back up. Surround yourself with people who give you hope, who highlight the beautiful things about humanity. Make something beautiful. Brighten someone’s day. Don’t lose heart, and don’t lose faith.

I don’t know how to find the hope again yet. But this really stubborn part of me refuses to let go of it completely, even in this moment of despair. I don’t have any answers or magic tips to make this better. But I have people who love me and support me. I have others who are grieving alongside me. I am not alone. You are not alone. We are still better together, and this may feel like the end, but it is not.

Take care of yourself today, my friends. Know that you are loved.

2 responses to “For the one who’s not rejoicing”

  1. Julie Muncy says:

    Kelly, thanks for the blessing of your encouraging words today, I need them.
    Take care,

  2. Helen Sunkel says:

    Thank you

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