Sorry for the silence the last couple of weeks. My RSS feed (an information stream created by my blog) was broken—something so abstract and technological that I was thoroughly stumped until I finally found someone to help. But it [seems to] be fixed again. Yea!
Since no emails went out, I thought I’d point you to the last few posts in case you missed them. You’ll find links at the bottom of this post.
In the meantime, STAY TUNED for breaking news. On Monday, I will be revealing my book cover, right here, before I post it anywhere else.
OK, I admit, that’s probably not nearly as exciting to you as it is to me. But since it IS so exciting to me, I’m also turning this into a giveaway. Any new blog subscribers will be registered in a drawing for the prize of their choice: a hand-painted journal, sterling silver earrings hand-made by me (for yourself or to give as a gift), or a $15 Amazon gift card. If you’re reading about this in your email, you already subscribe. But if you forward this to your friends and then they subscribe, I will enter you in the drawing, too. (Just let me know first name of the person or people you referred.)
It’s easy to sign up to get blog posts in your inbox. Look on the right-hand side of this page for the turquoise banner. Underneath that, enter your name and email address—and voila! You’ll get all book updates and other posts, not to mention a chance to win one of the items mentioned above.
If you have a minute to read them, here are the posts that stayed quietly on my blog with nowhere to go…
Blessed silence
I want nothing to do with that
And my post last week at the Internet Café—When we refuse to see what’s right in front of us
Have a great weekend!
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