Prayer, Creativity & Faith

Prayer for the Unfocused

GRAPHIC prayer for the unfocused

Dear Lord, I’m so glad you are rock-steady, because I feel like I ricochet from one place to the next, faster than I can catch my breath. But it’s not just my activities—my mind, Lord, spins and whirs. So many distractions, so many thoughts, so many ideas, so much to do. I want to pray. I want to focus on you, to prioritize the things that matter and let everything else drop away. But the reality is that I can’t seem to complete a single train of thought before I’m derailed. My prayers are uncompleted half-sentences. My to-do list grows longer and rarely shorter, but it’s not for a lack of effort.

I need Your help.

I need to learn from You. I need to set my sights on You. Maybe that’s why I’m so scattered—I’m looking everywhere except for the One place where I need to focus.

Lord, draw me in. Gather my stray thoughts. Gently cradle me in that hushed and holy place where You reside. Whisper, and let me stop talking long enough to hear You. Soothe my frazzled nerves and quiet the chaotic jumble of static that drowns out the silence.

And help me to just breathe. To turn my mind towards You. To let my body become aware of Your presence. To let my heart recognize Your love and my mind respond to Your truth.

Help me see what matters. Help me focus my sights—my longings, my hopes, my dreams, my intentions—help me focus them all on You. On my unwavering, always-present, never-changing, solid and true God Almighty.

Thank You, Lord, for who You are. And thank You for letting me see clearly. Amen.

5 responses to “Prayer for the Unfocused”

  1. Chris Monahan says:

    You are wise, and it shows here. Like you, I often try to run harder, instead of letting Him guide me to moving more wisely.
    And like you, I need to listen more and speak less.
    Lord, hear our prayer(s).

  2. Linda says:

    So needed this prayer & reminder this morning! I had awakened about 2 hrs earlier than planned because my mind wouldn’t shut down all the thoughts whirling around. After sitting down with coffee, balancing checkbook, adding to my “to do” list, I began checking emails and this was one of the first in my feed! God knew just what I needed!

  3. Gail Rogge Merriman says:

    Such a timely, beautiful prayer today, Dear Friend.

  4. Melissa Henderson says:

    Amen. Lord, help me to set my thoughts and sights on You.

  5. Kris says:

    Oh Kelly!
    I absolutely needed this today! Thank you for reminding me that I am not the only one in this struggle and that God is able to re-focus my heart, mind, and desires. Your words soothed my heart this morning. Thank you for serving our Lord and for allowing Him to use you!
    I hope that you are healing well!
    Much love to you and yours!

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