Prayer, Creativity & Faith

Prayer for Spring

Spring is really all about new beginnings. The new year gets to be known for that, but those beginnings—to me, at least—are more about pushing through the hectic cheerfulness of Christmas and being granted relief from the chaotic frenzy. It’s dark and cold—physically, and sometimes emotionally. We’re drained and ready for something new, so we start talking about fresh starts.

But this season, spring… it’s about emerging from the cold and stepping into the warmth. It’s not about what we’re coming from—although that makes the destination that much more sweet—but where we’re going, what we’re seeing.

New growth. New life.

Spring is a reminder that time comes and goes, and seasons change, but there’s always a fresh start.

It’s a reminder that change is beautiful. That there is hope. That no matter how tired and worn we get, we will find ourselves experiencing another time of growth.

Thank You, Lord, for this truth. For the realization that nothing escapes Your notice. Nothing is too small or insignificant to be made beautiful. I’m grateful for the ways that You change us, for the ways in which You help us grow. For the tenacity You give us to push through dry ground—or arise in the midst of storms.

I’m thankful that big things can come from small beginnings.

I’m in awe of the potential that can bloom when I let myself grow in the light of Your love.

I’m in love with the colors of new life, their intensity, their passion, their richness. With the flowers and big blue skies and sunshine. With the potential that seems to float on the breezes. Sure, sometimes spring storms are tumultuous. But before long, the clouds clear. The light returns.

And we grow. And grow some more. Until we bloom.
