Prayer, Creativity & Faith


This is installment #2 in a series about Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) One of the things I love about Michele O’Leary is that God has truly transformed her perception of herself so that she understands her true identity—who God says that she is, and who she is able to become because of His love for her. She’s beautiful in every possible way—kind and gentle, wise and grounded—and yet still sassy and fun. Enjoy!

I was an ugly duckling.

Long and lanky and a boy-like figure. I wanted to wear a bra so badly (now I wish I could leave it in the drawer) to prove to all that I was a girl.

For most of my life I felt ugly, not just on the outside but also on the inside.

I had no purpose, so I thought, or anything to offer.

I was decaying within until one day, God grabbed my hand and walked me to Song of Songs 4:7 (ESV).

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

Fully beautiful. Fully flawless.

That is how God made me and sees me.

I struggled with the thought of Him seeing me that way because I didn’t understand how He could love a mess like me. But, Jesus said He came for the sick (Luke 5:31).

In time, God’s words soothed my soul, and His balm of love healed my heart.

I am created in God’s image, and because of Jesus, I am free and flawless and beautiful. And Friend, so are you.

About Michele O’Leary: She is a Christian blogger and loves to write about the love of Jesus. Michele and her family live in Virginia. You can find more information about Michele and her ministry on her website at

One response to “MAKING SCRIPTURE YOUR OWN #2”

  1. One of my absolute favs and a struggle for me to accept. Were it not of Jesus, I couldn’t. But there He is, standing over me, and as God looks down, He sees, all beautiful. Thank you, Jesus.

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