I’ve talked to several people lately about journaling, so I thought I’d share some prayer writing prompts from my book. You can also download a single-page PDF here to keep in your journal for those days when you need some inspiration.
Not sure what to say when those blank journal pages are staring you in the face? Pick a prompt, set a timer if you want (start with ten minutes), and start writing. Don’t stop to think. Don’t let your pen stop moving until you are done. Just write. In your heart, keep an attitude of offering, of openness. You can write about God, about your faith and beliefs, or—my preference—write to God. Talk to Him as though He is sitting there beside you. (He is.)
• I love You because . . .
• My favorite thing about You is . . .
• I feel closest to You when . . .
• Today I saw You in [this person/situation] . . .
• Ask Him questions or bring Him your doubts:
• My biggest doubt is . . .
• What can I do for You?
• One thing that doesn’t make sense to me is _________. Please help me understand.
• What’s troubling me today is __________. Help me work through it.
• What stumbling blocks am I facing? How can I get past them?
• I disagree with this interpretation of Scripture. Show me the truth.
• I’m upset that You haven’t answered my prayer.
• Why did you say _______?
• The aspect of You I am leaning on today is. . . [Provider, Counselor, Healer, Prince of Peace, the Good Shepherd, etc.]
• The first time I knew You were there was when . . .
• When I picture You, I see ________.
• A miracle I’ve witnessed is . . .
• I know You are real because . . .
• What surprises me the most about You is . . .
• You are so good. You are ________ [fill in names, titles, aspects, characteristics].
• I remember when You . . .
• What You have revealed to me
• A specific time someone prayed for me
• How I hear Your voice
• What I believed about You in elementary school. As a teen. When my kids were born. When I lost a person close to me. When You first revealed Yourself to me.
• Lord, You’ve changed me. Over the last year, I’ve noticed . . .
• My earliest memory of You is . . .
• My favorite gift (or talent) You have given me (and what I’d like to do with it)
• I’ll never forget the time You . . .
• Sometimes You feel far away from me when . . .
• The person who taught me most about prayer is . . .
• Ways to open my life to You
• Someone whose faith I admire is . . . (and why)
• What I would like my children to know about my faith is . . .
• A Scripture that means a lot to me is . . .
• I sometimes hide the fact that I am a Christian because . . .
• The thing I wish I could change about myself is . . .
• What I’ve learned from watching others (both good and bad)
• Thank You for giving me the strength to . . .
• A temptation I’m struggling with is . . .
• Forgive me, Lord, for . . .
• Thank You, Lord, for . . .
• I can’t seem to forgive myself for . . .
• Help me to let go of my anger about . . .
• Teach me to forgive people who hurt me, like . . .
Sometimes taking stock of our current situation can bring with it feelings of frustration, sadness,
or anger. But it can also lead us toward gratitude, and focusing on feelings of thankfulness can help us let go of those ugly feelings.
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