So…whaddaya think?
I’ll tell you why I like it. It’s hand-painted and hand-lettered (by one of Tyndale’s fabulous designers), so that brings in the art aspect. This optical illusion—the faces and/or chalice—is one that’s featured in the book. (But you’ll have to wait until then to read the whole story behind it.) The image depicts either object—or both—depending on how you look at it. It feels reflective. Prayerful. Conversational. And it represents a basic theme of my book, that there’s more than one way to look at any situation, and our point of view makes all the difference in the world in how we experience it.
But there’s more to it than that. My book is about looking for God. Drawing near to Him. Talking to Him, feeling Him, seeing Him. It’s about those moments when we come face to face with Him. And when I look at this image, that’s what I feel. That kind of intimacy is what I long to find, over and over again. And what I hope—and pray—others will find in my words. Not because I want to change them. But because those moments when I’ve glimpsed God have transformed my faith, my beliefs, and my soul, and I can’t think of a better thing to wish for anyone.
I hope you like the cover. And do you want to know a secret? It’s already available for pre-order on Amazon. It will eventually be on sale in many more outlets, too, but those links aren’t live yet. If you want to be among the first to order it (even though it won’t be available until May 1), feel free to click that pre-order button! And it’s officially no longer a secret, so feel free to forward or post this anywhere you like. For some reason, the cover and description only show up with the paperback link for now, but that should be corrected soon :-).
Thank you all for following along on this journey. I’m pretty impatient, so this wait is hard for me. But I couldn’t have asked for a better publisher or better experience. I’m grateful for all of you who continue to follow along… and thankful that publication is now finally less than six months away!
P.S. Thanks to all of my new blog subscribers. Your names are in the back of my journal so I can pray for you by name.
P.P.S. The winner of the giveaway is Christy Blundy. Please email me (kellyostanley-at-me-dot-com) your choice of a hand-painted journal, hand-made sterling silver earrings, or a $15 Amazon gift card, along with your mailing address, and I’ll get that to you right away. Thanks!
Go girl! !!!!
Very cool cover
Even better?
Your words and thoughts
Love to you
God’s so good
LOVE the cover!!! Can’t wait to hold this book in my hands and experience it again!
I~along with others have waited in anticipation for the final push that would
birth this book into being.It’s nice knowing the author – as the words are carefully lifted from her mind, onto the prayer provoking – page/stage
What an opportunity we have been given.
So much from the cover speaks to me,~ the water color sky blue – the Cup Christ drank of,as well as beholding the reflection. I can hardly wait to hold it in my hands.
Thanks, everybody! I can’t wait, either! 🙂
hey Kelly,
I can’t wait to read your book and definitely want to preorder. Are you offering any deals on preordering a signed copy? 🙂
Kallie, if you want to have the book shipped directly to me, I’ll sign and mail back to you at no cost… will that work? 🙂
Very happy for you, Kelly. This has been a long time coming. What I like about the cover, beside the things you mentioned, is the choice of color. The faces are like the ocean: deep, never stagnant, and full of hidden life. And the area between them is clean and pure. Don’t know if that’s why the artist chose those colors, but that’s what I see. Only eight more months until Midwest Writers Workshop. Then we can applaud your success in person.
Thanks, Margie! It has definitely been a long time coming… and I can’t wait to celebrate with everyone at MWW!