Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word—and, from there, let our thoughts take us where they may. Read more about the idea here.
Some of my favorite Bible verses are about reaching. In Luke 5, Jesus reached out to the leper. In John, Jesus told Thomas to reach into his side so he could stop doubting and believe. In Psalm 18, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” Here’s the beauty of it: the reaching goes both ways. I reach. He reaches. He reaches; I do. It never stops, never fails, never ever ceases. All I have to do is hold out my hand. Or grasp the one He’s already extended to me.
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