(A manifesto, if you will, for dealing with life and politics right now.)
I will not turn bitter.
I will not be hateful.
I will trust my gut reactions to events, but I will also research to be as informed as possible.
I will not in any way support the incoming administration.
I will not stop speaking about what is wrong and what is unchristian.
I will not write off people in my life.
I will also not fight with people I love about politics.
I am not going to further the division in this country, but the division is here and I will NOT concede simply to play nice. He doesn’t get to destroy my relationships or my mood or my life. He doesn’t get to turn me into the type of person he is.
He can do what he will, but I don’t have to like it. And for the moment at least, I don’t have to be quiet about it. I will be cautious about the best times and places to talk about these things, but I won’t stop.
I may have to accept this new batch of people masquerading as leaders, but I don’t have to like it. I will only show reverence to leaders when they’ve earned that honor by caring about people.
I will love the people God has placed in my path. I will create, and I will write, and I will plan time being face-to-face with friends, and I will nurture relationships with people who make me stronger and nicer, and I will commit to doing better. To giving more of myself and my abilities and being more generous with my money. To use my voice to speak up for others. To use my abilities to create something beautiful. I will try to make individuals feel less alone. I will try to affirm and uplift, to encourage and equip, whoever and whenever I can. And I will do it all without walking over others, without taking anything from them or holding them down. Without feeling like their success will in any way limit my own.
I will grow, and I will blossom, and I will see what new things I can become.
This is not the end.
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