It’s somewhat ironic, don’t you think, that I would have a stack of these Bibles—just begging for someone to come along with colorful writing implements and a love for drawing—as my right arm is immobilized for at least five weeks for surgery to repair a torn biceps tendon?
Yeah. Well.
So I’ll content myself with doing a brief review (because typing left-handed is still slow-going)… and then I’ll give YOU a chance to win one of two copies of this beautiful book. (They knew what they were talking about when they named it.)
The NIV translation is my favorite, and that’s what these giveaway copies are (although this also comes in KJV and NKJV versions). I’m always wishing for lots of space to write notes in my Bibles and for nice, clean, elegant typography. This Bible offers those things, plus key verses illustrated in a wide variety of styles (all fun and colorful). It’s nice to see Scriptures expressed artistically—it gives us a chance to focus on key words and concepts and better understand them. If you’re comfortable drawing in your Bible, that’s what this was made for—but even if that’s not your thing, use the space for notes or journaling. Write about what a certain verse means to you, what you’re learning, who you’re praying for, what questions you have about it, the definitions of words or other related verses… it’s wide open and flexible. You can find your own way and do your own thing. If you want to doodle or draw, then DO. It’s a whole new dimension of interaction with God’s word that can be meaningful and enlightening.
(On a side note, I find the recent surge of interest in coloring, drawing, and so forth pretty exciting… especially since my new book, Designed to Pray, is coming out in August. It’s full of hands-on prayer activities—coloring pages, writing prompts, charts and questions and pages on which to explore—to help you find new insights in prayer by embracing your creativity. Watch for more announcements, or pre-order now :-).)
If I’m being honest, I have to admit that the text in the Beautiful Word Bible is a little too small for my nearing-50 eyes. But the font is pretty and legible—an important consideration to this designer :-). I also wish the paper was a little thicker because some of the illustrated verses kind of show through the pages. Then again, Bibles always use thin paper or else they’d be too big and bulky to carry around!
Would you like to win one of these Bibles? I have a hard-cover version and one with a leather cover to give away. To enter, just subscribe to my blog posts (right-hand sidebar) or leave a comment below. On April 8 (next Friday) I will post winners. And I’ll even include a little box of colored pencils I had produced as swag for the release of Praying Upside Down.
Hope lots of you will enter—I’m excited to be able to give these away! What do you think about this Bible? Does it scare you or thrill you to be invited to color in your Bible?
Some additional info from Zondervan that you might find useful:
Tips For Bible Art Journaling:
- Use the right pen: Look for a pen designed for Bible journaling to minimize bleed through and tears. There are many options in plenty of colors. Or, try your hand at colored pencils which make a great alternative to pens.
- Practice on scrap paper: Learn key factors like spacing and ink drying time before you make your mark on your Bible.
- Use back pages: When you get comfortable and want to move to Bible paper, try the pages in the back to help build confidence.
- Integrate Washi tape: Just a little tape under favorite verses and around the edge adds a lot of interest to the pages
- Peel and stick: You name it, there is a sticker for it. From letters and pictures, to shapes, ribbons, and designs. You don’t have to be an accomplished artist to brighten your pages with stickers.
- Stencil and stamp: Just like stickers, there are endless options in these categories to enhance your Bible without having an art degree.
- Appreciate the paper: Use the translucency to your advantage by tracing your favorite images directly onto the Bible paper.
- Get inspired: Reflect on the designs found in NIV Beautiful Word Bible or your favorite verse art to help spark ideas.
- Don’t stress about mistakes: You will make them – learn and let go of perfection!
Shanna’s 7 Tips to Illustrate Your Faith (courtesy IllustratedFaith.com):
- Spend time with God – read a devotional, listen to worship music.
- Pray about it – ask God to guide you
- Write it down – what is God telling you?
- Draw it – bring that big idea into the margins of your Bible
- Date it – Date your entries as you will want to go back to those verses and reflect
- Tab it – Use tables to see what themes you’ve covered
- Forget the rules – Connect with God in the way that is most natural to you!
I have been interested in bible journaling and have been admiring lovely artwork people have been sharing. This could be my motivation to do it- if it was laid in my lap! Pick me! Pick me!! 😉
I’ve been wanting to read the Bible for so long but it is initimidating to me. This looks very inviting and i would love to win one !!
I’ve been wanting to try journaling and what a great choice bible to start!
I LOVE this bible! I found it by accident and ordered it…I have a journaling bible so I actually copy some of the illustrations into my other bible, using the Beautiful Word Bible as a sort of template, because I’m not that creative.. I also love the way this bible smells. I know…weird, but I’m a book sniffer. By the way, if for some reason, I win a copy, please pick another winner. I already have one.
I have seen this Bible advertised but not seen it up close! Looks exciting … especially for those who process through drawing (my daughter!!!). Hhhhmmmm….or maybe I could give it a try! Thanks for the opportunity …..
I had a journaling Bible on pre-order but it still is at the printer so I finally cancelled my order. Since this concept of journaling/doodling in your Bible is still new, products aren’t easy to come by. I would be so thrilled to be chosen to receive this Bible. Blessings!
The same I’ve had a journaling Bible on preorder – Sheila is correct in saying that they are hard to come by. I’ve love to have one faster since my heart is in the right place and I’m excited to start my journaling adventure!
Trending to read and write and color the WORD blsg heal well and soon Kelly Jana Lynn
I am sooooooo stinkin’ excited for your new book! I’m really looking forward to stretching my prayer time and my creative time with
God. these bibles are amazing! I have started bible journaling and I have lots of ideas swirling in my head. lots of tabs and post-it notes in my study bible for inspiration! love this blog, Kelly!!
Oh my, I’ve been looking for something like this! I’m in. (And THANK YOU for the chance to win.)
This is such a brilliant idea.
For years I’ve struggled with finding space to make notes in my bible (you should see my favorite one. Can barely see the print for the notes ) or I would use a notebook for notes which meant I probably never looked at the note again.
To have a bible that would give me the space for note taking and/or journaling would be amazing.
I just love your tips! I’ve been wanting to try this but the first step seemed so daunting! Thank you for the guidance. I really appreciate your review , I’ll go get “better bifocals”.
Nest month I will be leading a retreat for women at our wonderful 150 acre camp in TN. Most of the women are from very dysfunctional famiilies, the area is ravaged by drugs and poverty. If you choose to gift me with this lovely Bible I will give it away to one of the women at my retreat. I am sure it would be a catalyst for desire to study God’s word.
Our church is small, but we have been able to offer a free summer camping experience to the children in our community. Check out our website.
This bible looks like a beautiful way to get me deeper into God’s word. and deeper into His love!Also, your book on prayer sounds like a perfect accompaniment that I’m going to take a look at as soon as I submit this comment!
I do like the idea of bigger margins for making notes. And, I never thought of stickers or the tape as ways to make things stand out more. I need to look at yours to get an idea of what can be done with this 🙂 Too bad my artwork is, um, bad. Really bad. 🙂
This has been on my wish list. Thank you for a chance to win one. I’m glad I found your blog. It has been a blessing.
This would be a wonderful gift I would give Rachel, my daughter-in-law. She doesn’t communicate with words, but with creating gifts for family and friends. Always looking for a way to bring us closer.
A wonderful giveaway! I have been watching my friends try Bible Journaling and they love it. Now I am interested. 🙂
I feel like after reading all the comments that there needs to be a Bible journaling class! I, too, have this interest but no idea where to begin (other than Pinterest)! What a beautiful book to start that journey!
Missie Bickel told me Rock Point has a class or group or something that does this… You should look into it! 🙂
What a brilliant thing. I have been”illustrating” Bible verses that have spoken to me lately. I get a picture in my head generally of a key word , as I’m reading it and draw from there. We have a collection stuck up around the house. This Bible would enable me to do it so much better…and not run out of space.
I love making notes in my Bible. I’d LOVE this new one!
I have been looking for a journaling bible, and this looks like the perfect one to have to get started! Would love to win this bible!
This has been on my wish list for quite some time. I am very intrigued by the Bible art journaling. I have seen such beautiful ARTWORK. This very well could be the motivation I need to step out and create beauty that I lifted out o f my soul as I meditate on God’s Word!
Sounds like something I could use to help reinvigorate my Bible time. Been a dry time. Thanks for your book Praying Upside Down. It was a real blessing to me. God bless.
I would be excited to win a new bible to help me grow closer to him.
I would very much like to win this Bible and start journaling. I know some women who are in a Bible journaling group and get so much out of it. Thank you for offering to share these Bibles.
I love to doodle in my Bible.
My Bible is very colorful.
I would love to Win this Bible..
What a Blessing
How Amqzing is this..
I love to journal and doodle in my Bible.
I would love to win this..
I love Bible journaling and I’d love to own this Bible as well!
What a wonderful idea! This is another great way to enjoy the Bible.
Thank You for this giveaway! I’ve been looking at different journaling Bibles and think I have reached the dreaded analysis paralysis. Heal fast!!
You amaze me!! I can’t wait for the new book I wish it were out now!! I have been researching the bible journaling and I’m so excited to get started !!
This is soo good knowing one who is willing share the most precious thing in world,and finding happiness in sharing.
This is good knowing one who is willing share the most precious thing in world,and finding happiness in sharing, I am looking farward to have such wonderful present first time