Join me at the Internet Café today as I explore why my default stance is “I wish there was something I could do to help—but since I can’t, I’ll pray.” And pray with me for what I should think instead.
Join me at the Internet Café today as I explore why my default stance is “I wish there was something I could do to help—but since I can’t, I’ll pray.” And pray with me for what I should think instead.
Hi Kelly,
I’m very impressed that you have moved in this direction! 3 blog posts a week is a lot. I know because I do one weekly or less at http://www.stvincent.org/dovenotes.
All the best!
By the way, how old are your children now? When we worked together they were tiny tots.
Thanks, John! 3 posts a week is hard to do but it’s what my publisher advises, and it’s easier if you do them in groups and get a little ahead of schedule. My kids are 21, 18 and 14 now (can you believe it?!)—the older two away at college—so I find myself with a little more time on my hands than I had when we were working together! I’ll check out your posts right now :-).
What “if ” God was to come now ? There won’t be no “if’s” but those who are ready , will go with Him. I enjoyed reading your article . bless you.
Everything I have asked God , He has always given me His word of confirmation . God is more than willing to bless us . All He wants is for us to see , that He truly loves us . Bless you Kelly
God’s always there to bless us and guide us if we just pay attention so that we see and hear Him :-). Many blessings to you!