I have copies of three books to give away. They were given to me by a publisher to show the high quality of their books (in content as well as design). The only catch? If you take the book, I’d like you to do at least one of the following: A) Blog about it, B) review it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Goodreads, and/or C) promote the book on Twitter and Facebook. And post a link to any or all of the above on my Facebook page so I can share it with my friends.
How do I get a book, you may be asking? Post a comment on this blog with your name, email address, and which book you are interested in. I’ll mail a book to the first person who expresses an interest in each one. (One book per person, please.)
Here are the choices:

There are people who describe eternal life as a ticket to heaven – like a bond you cash in when you die. They preach that we are all just here waiting for the perfect end. And we wait – gathering dust and baggage – isolating ourselves. That way of seeing the world can make life feel more like a life sentence. If we’re honest about our lives, it seems we all reside in some type of confinement – some form of prison cell. We are interred by our desire to possess, to protect what is ours: our image, our religion, and our reputations. And, of course, there are the even darker cells: loss, pain, addiction, jealousy, and prejudice. Joy seems in short supply. There must to be another way of living: a holy invitation to take the first step from your cell. What if we were meant to be Nomads? What if there is an ever-present holy invitation to emerge? What if we were made to journey with a God who is always on the move? From Abraham to Jesus, the essence of faith is discovered in the idea that we are traveling forward together, changing, emerging from our cells, progressing as a people on the road toward the Kingdom of God. Life to the fullest is the sacrifice, the work, the journey with the Holy Nomad. This book is an invitation to discover the rugged road to joy.
So now it’s up to you. Which book piques your interest? Try something new — I think it’ll be fun. Oh, and please email me your mailing address after you post your comment here ([email protected]). I’ll mail them right away.
Me!!! I would love the Christian world of the hobbit!
OK, Sarah, it’s yours! Come on… Who’s interested in the others?
I will read and review the Holy Nomad The Rugged Road to Joy. Thanks for the opportunity Kelly!!
Great! Think we’ll be able to get together soon or shall I mail it? (Email me your address if so!)
No question. It’s Inked for me.
Inked! Love tatoo’s! Mine represents my Lord and Savior!
Dave, Lisa claimed the first copy, but I happen to have a second copy if you’re interested in reading it. I’d love it if you’d post a review, or at lease drop me a note and let me know what you thought. If you would like the other copy, send me an email with your mailing address (kellyostanley-at-me.com)
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