Please join me at the Internet Café this morning to read about the cobbled-together mess I make of my worship.
Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
~Psalm 22:3 (NLT)
Most Christians would agree: Praise is important. A critical part of worship, of living for God. I love to worship Him, talk about what He has done for me, thank Him for the sweet, kind, generous ways He shows Himself in my life. I know I don’t praise Him as much as I could, but I do praise Him. Sometimes I even convince myself that I’m doing OK. Sure, my actions fall short much of the time — because I’m tired. And, occasionally, pretty self-centered. But I mean well. God knows the desires of my heart. Surely that’s good enough, right?
But then one morning my pastor, Nathan, commented that God is enthroned on our praises.
I sat back. Stopped, overwhelmed with this certainty: if this is true, then we effectively build Him a throne from the praises we offer up.
So I started to imagine… [read more]
Kelly: You always express your faith modestly and you make me think of “gratitude” which reminds me of blessings past and present and sends me forward. Janice
Janice, thank you :-)…
Always inspired and moved by your words, Kelly 🙂