Prayer, Creativity & Faith


To create

October 25, 2014

“To create is to reflect the image of God. To create is an act of worship.” ~Erwin McManus

Who knew? I didn't. (5 things I didn’t know about publishing)

October 14, 2014

I’ve been attending writing conferences for years. I subscribe to Writer’s Digest. I read blogs by writers and publishers, and I pay attention. Yet there’s so much I didn’t know. Here are just a few of my discoveries as I’m walking this path towards being published… Why authors thank their editors so effusively. I always...

Who knew? I didn't. (5 things I didn’t know about publishing)

October 14, 2014

I’ve been attending writing conferences for years. I subscribe to Writer’s Digest. I read blogs by writers and publishers, and I pay attention. Yet there’s so much I didn’t know. Here are just a few of my discoveries as I’m walking this path towards being published… Why authors thank their editors so effusively. I always...

Why pray?

October 10, 2014

Why do YOU pray? What is it that keeps you coming back? How do you go on when you don’t feel as though your prayers are being answered? (This is also posted today at the Internet Café. I’d love to have you discuss this here, but feel free to join in the conversation over there...

so I've been thinking...

October 7, 2014

I’ve been busy editing some of the final chapters of my book and planning my next one, so I haven’t written many words lately. But I have been reading… Here are just a few things that got me thinking. Thought I’d share and see if they did the same for you. If you come across...

so I've been thinking...

October 7, 2014

I’ve been busy editing some of the final chapters of my book and planning my next one, so I haven’t written many words lately. But I have been reading… Here are just a few things that got me thinking. Thought I’d share and see if they did the same for you. If you come across...

touching the unseen

September 11, 2014

you seem so far away from me today. just out of reach. or maybe i’m the one who’s out of reach. out of touch. what it is in me that makes you so hard to see? i need new eyes, spiritual eyeballs that look past the bills that need paying and the car that needs...


September 8, 2014

I’ve been working towards publication of my book for around three years now and I’ve had a contract for over a year. So it really threw me when I got an email from my publisher requesting my official author photo and bio — and I panicked. I don’t want people to see me with my braces...

One more dab of paint (guest post at

August 28, 2014

One more dab of paint, one more piece of the puzzle, one more way to connect with God… So excited to announce that I’m guest posting today on my all-time favorite blog. Come visit? And set aside some time to come back and then read everything Addie Zierman ever wrote? I remember the moment that...

Your stage is waiting

June 25, 2014

I have a soft spot for The Voice and American Idol. As I watch, I think about what courage it took for each of those people to walk into the initial audition room. To believe enough in their abilities and potential that they would perform in front of celebrities. To be able to stand there...
