Prayer, Creativity & Faith

Praying Upside Down

Christmas is all about giving...

December 1, 2013

God giving His Son to us. Life. Renewal. Freedom. Love. I could list gifts for days — months, years, decades — because God’s gifts are immeasurable and unending. Really, we have all we need. God has already provided it. Probably not a single one of us needs more stuff. But I’m offering some stuff to...

5 unexpected blessings from writing

November 29, 2013

I can’t say I’ve known forever that I wanted to write. I liked to write; just wasn’t sure I had anything worth saying. But look what’s happened in this past year. I went to Italy and learned from Elizabeth Berg (and met a lovely group of women I’m happy to call my friends). An agent...

Seeing Him today

November 28, 2013

Every time I cut into a bunch of celery, I catch my breath in awe. So much beauty in the world — if we’ll just stop to notice it. Feeling especially full of thanks — and dressing and turkey and potatoes and pie — today. Happy Thanksgiving!

Pass the fruit salad

November 19, 2013

Good morning! I have a new post at Internet Café today. Please join me there to read the rest of it. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) In theory, I like fruit. But in practice? Well, I’m...

A public exhibition

November 14, 2013

Here I sit, hunched over my construction paper, gripping a crayon so tightly that it snaps in half. Arm curved protectively around the paper, so close that it curls and crimps the corners of the pages. Tongue stuck out in concentration. Creating, creating, but with each stroke, holding it closer to myself. It’s both a...

This pyramid scheme is upside down

November 6, 2013

Well, maybe it’s not a pyramid scheme, but it is kind of upside down. Because, well, that’s how we do things around here. And I’ve had a revelation. Months ago, to be honest, but I suddenly feel like now is the right time. My project — this book about prayer — needs to be bathed...

Stephanie Cassatly

November 2, 2013

Second installment in my series of interviews with first place category winners in the 82nd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. (First interview, with Julia Byers, can be found here.) Finding Stephanie seems like a beautiful bit of serendipity. She’s a gorgeous writer, and she writes of her search for herself after she lost her mom,...

Julia Byers

October 29, 2013

When I heard about the Writer’s Digest Annual Competition awards, on the advice of a friend who’s known for having brilliant ideas about social media, I decided to contact all the first place winners in the other categories and try to find out more about them — the story behind the winning story, what else...

Because light shines in the darkness

October 15, 2013

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5 NLT I’m feeling particularly proud tonight, because when I Googled the word “Chiaroscuro” to see how it was spelled, I discovered I already had it right. And to make it even better, I actually remembered what it means. But don’t...

Join me at the Internet Café today, where it doesn't matter...

October 10, 2013

My lack of does not diminish His greatness. None of my failings can change His essential character. It doesn’t matter… [click here to read more]
