
Hearts that are willing
December 20, 2020
I’ve been pondering that whole scene in the Bible where the angel Gabriel appears to Mary. How did she feel? How much say did she really have in the whole thing? How much did she understand about what it would mean—for her and for the world? I think she was probably strong and courageous. Not...

October 15, 2020
Welcome to installment #8 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) I attended a retreat with Meggie Kornelsen a few years ago, and although I didn’t get to spend any real time with her, I’ve since followed her avidly on social media. She’s interesting and creative and brave and kind...

October 8, 2020
Welcome to installment #7 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Kayla Bernal is one of those lovely friends I’ve found online along the way of my writing career, and although we have yet to meet face to face, I admire so many things about her. She graciously agreed to...

October 1, 2020
Welcome to installment #6 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Jodie Barrett has become an especially dear friend of mine. She is spunky and generous and kind. She lives her life full of joy, and I have witnessed firsthand how her commitment to joy has sustained her through the...

September 24, 2020
Welcome to installment #5 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Today’s author, Diana Rockwell, is a sweet woman I met through a Suzie Eller retreat several years ago. Her kindness and compassion shine through immediately upon meeting her, and I’m grateful she offered to be part of this series....

September 17, 2020
I’m excited to share installment #4 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Jama Kehoe Bigger is just one of the best people I’ve ever known. I met her through her role as director of the Midwest Writers Workshop—she is another of the treasured friends I’ve found there. I adore...

September 10, 2020
Welcome to installment #3 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Gail Werner is a real-life friend of mine—one of several really amazing writer-friends discovered through the Midwest Writers Workshop. She’s much younger than I am but she is who I want to be when I grow up—she’s well-informed, intelligent,...

September 3, 2020
This is installment #2 in a series about Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) One of the things I love about Michele O’Leary is that God has truly transformed her perception of herself so that she understands her true identity—who God says that she is, and who she is able to become because...

Making scripture your own
August 27, 2020
Have you ever asked anyone what their favorite scripture is and why? When I’ve seen this question answered, the responses have been so moving. Insightful. And really beautiful. So I’m going to be sharing some of my friends’ answers to this question—starting with mine. Interestingly, right after I had this idea, a friend sent me...

The Fresh Start Bible — a review
November 24, 2019
I’ll be honest… The main reason I said yes to reviewing the Fresh Start Bible was that they would send me two copies—one for me, and one to give away. And who doesn’t love a giveaway? Read all the way to the end to find out how to enter! Reason #2 I was interested is...