A quick update
May 31, 2014
I haven’t been posting much here lately — my oldest child had to be moved into a new apartment in Iowa before she left for a month in China; middle child is graduating from high school tomorrow and we had to prepare for the open house; youngest child wrapped up his 7th grade school year;...
Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer
May 8, 2014
Like any good memoir, Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer is a direct look into the mind of Micha Boyett, a fascinating, real, worried, hopeful, lovely woman who feels like a friend now. There’s something fragile about her, yet persevering. Soft and quiet and intelligent and gentle, sprinkled with doubts and insecurities....
Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer
May 8, 2014
Like any good memoir, Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer is a direct look into the mind of Micha Boyett, a fascinating, real, worried, hopeful, lovely woman who feels like a friend now. There’s something fragile about her, yet persevering. Soft and quiet and intelligent and gentle, sprinkled with doubts and insecurities....
The amazing Anne Lamott
April 13, 2014
Some nuggets from Anne‘s keynote speech and interview at the Festival of Faith and Writing this weekend. “It’s not ‘take and figure it out.’ It’s ‘take and eat.'” “Keep your butt in the chair. That’s the secret of life.” “Laughter is carbonated holiness.” “There’s who you are...
Many thoughts in my head... very few of them actually mine
April 12, 2014
The Festival of Faith and Writing just ended, and I’m trying to catch my breath before driving home in the morning. It will take some time to see what comes out of all that I took in. And, honestly, there’s no guarantee that I will every again have another profound thought (especially given how tired...
Magical mystery tour
March 17, 2014
(Only it’s not a mystery, just a blog tour, but I like saying “magical.”) Thanks to Alison Bliss for inviting me to take part in this. Her debut novel, Rules of Protection, will be released by Entangled Publishing in July and it.is.awesome. I know, because she let me read it. She generously gives me the...
Finding Joy – Guest Post from Terri DeVries
February 6, 2014
So happy to welcome Terri DeVries, my good friend and a talented writer, to my blog! You can read more of her journey here. I’m so sorry that she’s having to learn to walk this new path, but I’m so grateful that she shares her heart with us as she walks. The trim white houses...
Christmas is all about giving...
December 1, 2013
God giving His Son to us. Life. Renewal. Freedom. Love. I could list gifts for days — months, years, decades — because God’s gifts are immeasurable and unending. Really, we have all we need. God has already provided it. Probably not a single one of us needs more stuff. But I’m offering some stuff to...
5 unexpected blessings from writing
November 29, 2013
I can’t say I’ve known forever that I wanted to write. I liked to write; just wasn’t sure I had anything worth saying. But look what’s happened in this past year. I went to Italy and learned from Elizabeth Berg (and met a lovely group of women I’m happy to call my friends). An agent...
A public exhibition
November 14, 2013
Here I sit, hunched over my construction paper, gripping a crayon so tightly that it snaps in half. Arm curved protectively around the paper, so close that it curls and crimps the corners of the pages. Tongue stuck out in concentration. Creating, creating, but with each stroke, holding it closer to myself. It’s both a...