faith & doubt

Wednesday's Word: BLOOM
February 11, 2015
Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Bloom As Valentine’s Day approaches, stores are filled with red and...

Wednesday's Word: BLOOM
February 11, 2015
Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Bloom As Valentine’s Day approaches, stores are filled with red and...

Wednesday's Word: TRANSPARENT
February 4, 2015
Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Transparent One of many things I love about watercolors is their...

Wednesday's Word: TRANSPARENT
February 4, 2015
Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Transparent One of many things I love about watercolors is their...

Sharing the miracle
January 26, 2015
When my friend Sherry was in the hospital, broken, nonresponsive, the doctor’s words didn’t contain much hope. She’d stopped breathing. There was certain to be brain damage. The list of concerns went on and on. We didn’t know whether to pray for healing—and the long road it might be, with the potential for more pain—or for...

A prayer for the broken
January 14, 2015
Sweet Lord, as my friend Sherry lies in the ICU, with tubes and monitors and so many things that are unknown, I lean towards You. Towards what is known. I turn towards life. Towards the One who grants life and who isn’t fazed by its earthly limits. The One who sees past our finite measure...

What if?
January 10, 2015
I chose “one word” last year—just so I could say I’d done it. It turns out that really, the word chose me. And God proved faithful in my unfaithfulness. Still, though, I saw no reason to choose a word again this year. There’s only one small flaw to this plan. It’s not one word, but...

Turn: my word for the year in 2014
January 1, 2015
I’m reading all sorts of updates—heart-warming, faith-building accounts of how a single word guided someone for the whole year. Which reminds me. I failed miserably. I lost my focus on this word, forgot all about it except for this update in Sept. And yet. When God is behind something, it’s more about Him than about...

To You I Sing (A Christmas Prayer)
December 17, 2014
[also on Internet Café today] Silent night Lord, in these moments when the kids are asleep (and I should be), when I’ve put down my work and am lying here, finally still, help me to find You. Holy night Help me to remember why I’m doing all of these things. Why it matters. What it’s...

An upside-down Christmas, part 4: Bringing Christmas’s true meaning into focus
December 12, 2014
No one has to tell me what Christmas is really about. I know. And I love what it is supposed to be. But, like many of you, I get caught up in the busy-ness of it and don’t seem to have much time to focus on spiritual. Much of what we fill our holidays with...