Prayer, Creativity & Faith


It's a process (how I create my prayer prompt calendars)

July 20, 2018

Several people have asked me to write about the process for creating the prayer prompt calendars. Creating them is one of my favorite things to do. It’s difficult to capture the stream-of-consciousness thoughts that lead to one, but I kept notes and took screen shots as I put together the calendar for August, so I...

Empowered by the Spirit (freebies and a giveaway!)

April 19, 2018

They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” ~Luke 24:32 Have you ever had one of those moments? Where you’re going about your ordinary business, trying to make sense of things, when all of a sudden it feels...

Rush, Rush, Rush (and why that's a good thing, in this case)

October 26, 2017

Months ago, when I asked for ideas in my Prayer Prompt Calendar Contest, my friend Jayme Mansfield mentioned her forthcoming novel to me. You could tell she is an artist, because the themes in her historical fiction book are all things that lend themselves to an interesting visual approach. Her novel, RUSH, releases November 1—just a few days from now—and...

Go ahead. Write, draw, color, doodle in your Bible. It's OK (and I can help).

March 30, 2017

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to talk to a Bible journaling group about my book, Designed to Pray—specifically, the meanings of different colors and how those meanings can “color” and inspire your prayers. (If you have my book, the material came from Week 8.) Now, I’m not one who’s afraid to write in her...

20 Prayers to Pray Throughout a Busy Day (free printable)

March 20, 2017

Prayer is our primary means of communication with God, and it is only through God that we have the strength, abilities and wisdom we need to face a busy day. But when we’re so busy, when is there time to pray? My answer may surprise you: Always. It’s true, though. We don’t have to stop...

Hope prevails—in March, and always

February 26, 2017

In a Bible study a few months ago, I learned about a concept from another study called Experiencing God. It goes something like this: It’s not up to us to try to think up new things to do for God. We should watch and see where God is already working—and then get on board. Pretty simple,...

Spiritual makeover challenge

January 14, 2017

I’m a sucker for before and after photos of makeovers. I love seeing the changes, recognizing how to enhance the beauty that’s already there and bring out what was formerly hidden. As I was trying to fall asleep one night last week, I thought about all the ways I want to change spiritually, and I...

Creative new ways to pray—31 of them, to be exact

June 30, 2016

If we filled in the squares on a calendar with our daily prayers, it would look something like this: Help me, Lord. Fix my finances. Mend my relationships. Bless my kids. Heal my friend. Forgive me. (Repeat.) And all of those are legitimate requests. Real, true, vulnerable, and necessary. But I get tired of praying the same...

He has risen!

March 26, 2016

Wishing you an Easter filled with joy. xo

Starting over in prayer

December 30, 2015

Is anyone else surprised to discover that it’s almost 2016? Somehow, every year I’m surprised by how close together Christmas and New Year’s Eve are. Yeah, I know. It’s the same every. single. year. So better get this printed out and hung on your fridge… or your mirror… or wedged into the center console of...
