Look around
June 2, 2015
Ask God to show you where He is in anything you witness, study, or participate in. Inspiration—creative and spiritual—is everywhere. ~Praying Upside Down Anyone willing to share with the rest of us? Where have you found inspiration lately? What are you reading? Listening to? Learning? Absorbing? Watching? Discovering? It’s not too late to download this...
Interview, review, and a giveaway
May 13, 2015
Courtney DeFeo is a friend of my agent, and that’s how we connected, but it seems we have lots in common. One of her creations is Alphabet Scripture Cards, which are pretty cool. Her bio describes her better than I could: Courtney DeFeo believes our kids can light up the world. As a former marketing...
Messy Prayer
May 6, 2015
God has an amazing way of connecting us with each other. Becky Kopitzke and I share the same agent. During the reach-out-to-everyone-you-know phase of my book promotion, I wrote to her. Turns out, she lives near where my daughter Anna goes to school in Wisconsin. And attends the church that Anna had hoped to check...
Behind the cover
April 14, 2015
“So, did you design your book cover?” I hear that a lot. The answer is no. “But you’re a graphic designer!” I know that. But people say this often enough that I thought I’d briefly explain. If you self-publish, you can design your own cover. And from what I’ve seen, sometimes with smaller publishers, the...
April prayer prompt calendar ready to download!
March 30, 2015
I wanted to let you know that a new prayer prompts calendar is available now for April—and these calendars are always free to those who sign up for my blog posts. I keep mine on my fridge and since I open it up many times a day (neither of us needs to admit just how...
Happy Valentine's Day
February 14, 2015
As published yesterday at the Internet Café… Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I have loved you with an everlasting love. ~Jeremiah 31:3 Throughout my years of searching for God, I’ve seen Him in so many different ways. Kindly grandfather hovering in the heavens… fierce protector… intimate lover… friend who knows me… savior who redeems me… teacher...
Happy Valentine's Day
February 14, 2015
As published yesterday at the Internet Café… Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I have loved you with an everlasting love. ~Jeremiah 31:3 Throughout my years of searching for God, I’ve seen Him in so many different ways. Kindly grandfather hovering in the heavens… fierce protector… intimate lover… friend who knows me… savior who redeems me… teacher...
Gallery of Gratitude—Week #6
February 10, 2015
15 weeks, 15 letters, 15 minutes. To start the new year, 2015. It’s never too late to join us. Learn about the challenge here. Someone under the age of 18 When we think about people who have influenced us, we often look to our past. But young people can have an impact, too—because of their hard...
The ART of Praying Upside Down
February 5, 2015
Book titles change fairly often. I started out expecting my book to be called Praying Upside Down. Then the folks at Tyndale suggested The Art of Praying Upside Down. I liked that, too. But then there were reasons to be made for shortening it back to Praying Upside Down—all of which I agree with—so I had...
Gallery of Gratitude—Week #5
February 3, 2015
15 weeks, 15 letters, 15 minutes. To start the new year, 2015. It’s never too late to join us. Learn about the challenge here. Someone who loved someone you loved When my mom died, I wasn’t the only one who felt a loss. She had coworkers, a priest, friends, and kids who came into her clinic...