
touching the unseen
September 11, 2014
you seem so far away from me today. just out of reach. or maybe i’m the one who’s out of reach. out of touch. what it is in me that makes you so hard to see? i need new eyes, spiritual eyeballs that look past the bills that need paying and the car that needs...

September 8, 2014
I’ve been working towards publication of my book for around three years now and I’ve had a contract for over a year. So it really threw me when I got an email from my publisher requesting my official author photo and bio — and I panicked. I don’t want people to see me with my braces...

Your stage is waiting
June 25, 2014
I have a soft spot for The Voice and American Idol. As I watch, I think about what courage it took for each of those people to walk into the initial audition room. To believe enough in their abilities and potential that they would perform in front of celebrities. To be able to stand there...
A quick update
May 31, 2014
I haven’t been posting much here lately — my oldest child had to be moved into a new apartment in Iowa before she left for a month in China; middle child is graduating from high school tomorrow and we had to prepare for the open house; youngest child wrapped up his 7th grade school year;...

Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer
May 8, 2014
Like any good memoir, Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer is a direct look into the mind of Micha Boyett, a fascinating, real, worried, hopeful, lovely woman who feels like a friend now. There’s something fragile about her, yet persevering. Soft and quiet and intelligent and gentle, sprinkled with doubts and insecurities....

Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer
May 8, 2014
Like any good memoir, Found: A Story of Questions, Grace & Everyday Prayer is a direct look into the mind of Micha Boyett, a fascinating, real, worried, hopeful, lovely woman who feels like a friend now. There’s something fragile about her, yet persevering. Soft and quiet and intelligent and gentle, sprinkled with doubts and insecurities....
Magical mystery tour
March 17, 2014
(Only it’s not a mystery, just a blog tour, but I like saying “magical.”) Thanks to Alison Bliss for inviting me to take part in this. Her debut novel, Rules of Protection, will be released by Entangled Publishing in July and I know, because she let me read it. She generously gives me the...
Soul Painter
March 15, 2014
I like to think of myself as a pretty strong Christian, so why do I shy away from anything labeled that way? I love contemporary Christian music, but as soon as someone applies that term to a book, I kind of grimace. (If you feel the need to pray for me as a result of...
March 6, 2014
My husband was raised Catholic. Years ago, shortly after my husband and I started attending our Pentecostal-ish church, someone asked him what he was giving up for Lent. Without missing a beat, he said, “The Catholic church!” He said that — and I relate the story now — not to be mean. Truly, we don’t have...
Pay attention
January 2, 2014
Pay attention. That seems to be what God is telling me. On New Year’s Eve afternoon, I posted a Facebook status that included these words: … But you know what? It’s all OK. Looking forward to whatever this year has to offer — and especially whatever God has to offer — and thankful that, whatever...