Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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Sorry my blog posting this summer has been so erratic. This post will be, too, but wanted to send a quick update and ask you to please hang on because I will be back soon! I’ll sum up recent events in just a few short categories—most of which seem contradictory....... More »

I just got back from the 2015 Midwest Writers Workshop, which is always my favorite event of the entire year. Perhaps it’s because some of my favorite people are at MWW with me, staying up late to talk and laugh and eat fried pickles at Scotty’s. Or because I designed...... More »

I just got back from the 2015 Midwest Writers Workshop, which is always my favorite event of the entire year. Perhaps it’s because some of my favorite people are at MWW with me, staying up late to talk and laugh and eat fried pickles at Scotty’s. Or because I designed...... More »

I feel like I’m constantly saying the same old thing on these guest post intros… I met this lovely woman through the Facebook group my agent set up for clients of her agency, and I haven’t met her in person, but I love her… yadda yadda yadda. The thing...... More »

Laurie Coombs is another one of those lovely souls that I’ve had the honor of “meeting” through shared connections in this business. I am so excited about this book. I think God is in it, through it, around it, behind it, before it—just all over it. His forgiveness is amazing,...... More »

Are you jaded?

My friend Marcia, talking about why she loves writers and books and the writing process so much, said, “Books change me.” And they do. Or they should, if they do their job well. I’m possibly the worst book reviewer there is. Really. Because I always take the book and...... More »

Don’t do it

Don’t ever fall into the trap of believing that God won’t come through because of your current (or past) failings. Or that what you have to offer isn’t enough. ~Praying Upside Down Remember this: Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing. Romans 8:38-39 in the NIV...... More »

Don't do it

Don’t ever fall into the trap of believing that God won’t come through because of your current (or past) failings. Or that what you have to offer isn’t enough. ~Praying Upside Down Remember this: Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing. Romans 8:38-39 in the NIV...... More »

What a tangled mess

Carey Scott is a lovely, vivacious woman who responded graciously when I posted a cry for help in my agent’s Facebook group. I don’t know her well, but I was grateful for all of the encouragement and ideas she’d offered regarding marketing and growing my blog, so I jumped...... More »

Giving it all away

I love reading what people have to say about Praying Upside Down. Granted, so far I’ve been lucky and just had a couple slightly negative comments (all within otherwise excellent reviews). When I get my first really bad one, one of you will need to show up with chocolate or invite me...... More »