Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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In a secret place

  I squint in the harsh light, sweat beading on my forehead, running down my face, trickling between...... More »

The Festival of Faith and Writing just ended, and I’m trying to catch my breath before driving home in the morning. It will take some time to see what comes out of all that I took in. And, honestly, there’s no guarantee that I will every again have another...... More »

Overlooking the obvious

Join me today at the Midwest Writers Workshop blog, where I talk about finding your inspiration and direction as a writer.... More »

5 unexpected blessings from writing

I can’t say I’ve known forever that I wanted to write. I liked to write; just wasn’t sure I had anything worth saying. But look what’s happened in this past year. I went to Italy and learned from Elizabeth Berg (and met a lovely group of women I’m happy...... More »