Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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A prayer for the broken

Sweet Lord, as my friend Sherry lies in the ICU, with tubes and monitors and so many things that are unknown, I lean towards You. Towards what is known. I turn towards life. Towards the One who grants life and who isn’t fazed by its earthly limits. The One...... More »

Join me at the Internet Café today as I explore why my default stance is “I wish there was something I could do to help—but since I can’t, I’ll pray.” And pray with me for what I should think instead.... More »

To You I Sing (A Christmas Prayer)

Silent night Lord, in these moments when the kids are asleep (and I should be), when I’ve put down my work and am lying here, finally still, help me to find You. Holy night Help me to remember why I’m doing all of these...... More »


I’ve been working towards publication of my book for around three years now and I’ve had a contract for over a year. So it really threw me when I got an email from my publisher requesting my official author photo and bio — and I panicked. I don’t want people...... More »

Can I carry you?

This post is being featured today at the Internet Café. Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to take him inside to Jesus, but they couldn’t reach him because of the crowd. So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles....... More »

The one who touched God

There was one speaker at the Festival of Faith and Writing that I didn’t see listed in the program. To be honest, I might have stayed home if I’d been aware. And that darn speaker isn’t one to be celebrated. But he was there. I listened to readings, thinking...... More »


Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness. ~Martin Luther... More »