Prayer, Creativity & Faith

You're viewing posts related to possibility

Why summer makes me go UGH

  If you don’t know me personally, here’s one thing you should know about me: I’m not one of those amazing, hands-on moms who fills her summer with trips to the pool or the zoo or neighborhood parties. In fact, I’m so NOT a Pinterest-worthy parent that I probably won’t even...... More »

What if?

I chose “one word” last year—just so I could say I’d done it. It turns out that really, the word chose me. And God proved faithful in my unfaithfulness. Still, though, I saw no reason to choose a word again this year. There’s only one small flaw to this...... More »

Palette of possibility

Today I’m posting over at Internet Café Devotions. You may have read this before, but if not, I hope you’ll click the link below to visit us there. But he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27 ASV I started looking at...... More »

Palette of possibilities

But he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27 ASV I started looking at this photo and could barely pull my eyes away. Look at it a minute, really look. Let your eyes wander across the colors, dwelling on the ones that catch your...... More »

A blank canvas

It can be a bit intimidating to get started. That may be true in whatever it is that you’re doing, but especially if you’re creating art. That blank canvas… So much possibility. Possibility — or pressure? Depends on why you’re creating it, I suppose. If someone hired you to do...... More »