Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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Welcome to installment #5 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Today’s author, Diana Rockwell, is a sweet woman I met through a Suzie Eller retreat several years ago. Her kindness and compassion shine through immediately upon meeting her, and I’m grateful she offered...... More »


Welcome to installment #3 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Gail Werner is a real-life friend of mine—one of several really amazing writer-friends discovered through the Midwest Writers Workshop. She’s much younger than I am but she is who I want to be...... More »

Making scripture your own

Have you ever asked anyone what their favorite scripture is and why? When I’ve seen this question answered, the responses have been so moving. Insightful. And really beautiful. So I’m going to be sharing some of my friends’ answers to this question—starting with mine. Interestingly, right after I had...... More »