Prayer, Creativity & Faith

You're viewing posts related to miracles


I’m excited to share installment #4 in a series called Making Scripture Your Own. (Read intro post here.) Jama Kehoe Bigger is just one of the best people I’ve ever known. I met her through her role as director of the Midwest Writers Workshop—she is another of the treasured...... More »

When prayer gets hard

Today, I’m at Kelly Balarie’s blog, talking about how easy it is to pray. For you. Not always so easy to pray for ourselves. If you come to me and ask for prayer, these are the words I will have for you: All things are possible. God is a...... More »

Sharing the miracle

When my friend Sherry was in the hospital, broken, nonresponsive, the doctor’s words didn’t contain much hope. She’d stopped breathing. There was certain to be brain damage. The list of concerns went on and on. We didn’t know whether to pray for healing—and the long road it might be,...... More »


Part five of my weekly series of writing prompts for personal exploration. Won’t you take 10 minutes and join me in exploring? TODAY’S WRITING PROMPT: List ten miracles you’ve witnessed. Now, try to think of five from the last month. And one or two from this week. Move forward into today,...... More »