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Two years

I’d roll my eyes at her (on a good day). Slam the phone down on a bad day. Slam doors when I lived at home (and then, immediately, crank Joan Jett’s song “You’re a Nag” at top volume. I’ve always been subtle.). Lie about how much my new shoes...... More »

The darker the night…

The darker the night, the brighter the stars. The deeper the grief, the closer is God! ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment... More »

Summertime, to me, is never lounging at the pool, slathered in sunscreen. It’s not taking my kids to museums and on picnics. No, my summers involve running my graphic design business from home, but with three kids coming and going all day long. A schedule so full my calendar...... More »

Beyond me

“I hear and behold God in every object, yet understand him not in the least.” – Walt Whitman When questions come and answers don’t, when pain fills your heart and doubts attack your soul, when there is no sense to be made… even then — especially then — God...... More »

Perspective: an artistic technique used to portray depth, to project the illusion of a three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface. In perspective, the straight edges of any object follow lines that eventually converge at infinity. Normally, this point of convergence is along the horizon. When grief is trying to...... More »

Let me donate blood. Get a mammogram. A root canal. Fill out a 30-page tax form. Anything but this. Anything but celebrate Mother’s Day.  It’s supposed to be a happy day. Never mind that I’m happy to be a mother, because every sentimental thought about mothers is like an ice...... More »

Let me donate blood. Get a mammogram. A root canal. Fill out a 30-page tax form. Anything but this. Anything but celebrate Mother’s Day.  It’s supposed to be a happy day. Never mind that I’m happy to be a mother, because every sentimental thought about mothers is like an ice...... More »

A pale reproduction

In printing, an image is broken down into four basic colors — cyan (blue), magenta (pink), yellow and black. If you look through a magnifier, you will see that any printed photo is made up of different-sized colored dots. If you step back a little bit, or blur your eyes,...... More »

Connecting the dots

In school, I always liked a challenge. I rolled my eyes when something seemed too easy. Like those connect-the-dots worksheets that were so obvious. Take this one, for example: In my youthful snobbery, I’d turn up my nose. Roll my eyes. D-uh. It’s a heart. What’s the point? You’re wasting...... More »