Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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It’s a new year, and I love reading challenges. Or, at least, I like the idea of them. Not sure I’ve ever completely followed through. But I’m willing to try, and hope you are, too. Things are always better when you do them together. Quite a few of you responded...... More »

I just got back from the 2015 Midwest Writers Workshop, which is always my favorite event of the entire year. Perhaps it’s because some of my favorite people are at MWW with me, staying up late to talk and laugh and eat fried pickles at Scotty’s. Or because I designed...... More »

I just got back from the 2015 Midwest Writers Workshop, which is always my favorite event of the entire year. Perhaps it’s because some of my favorite people are at MWW with me, staying up late to talk and laugh and eat fried pickles at Scotty’s. Or because I designed...... More »