
Try Something
January 4, 2025
I don’t really do resolutions, but the start of a new year always fills me with this feeling like my heart will burst because it’s so full of the desire to do something. To be better, to learn new things, to find my way to a different, deeper kind of happiness and contentment. The possibilities...

Travel—a necessary luxury
September 11, 2024
I wish everyone could travel and realize America is not the center of the universe. Not even close. Everyone should have the chance to feel ignorant. Slow. Dim-witted. Embarrassed. Not very smart. (After all, they’re multilingual and I’ve merely completed 300 days of Duolingo.) My feeble attempts to ask for a table in Italian...

Gratitude and Grief
February 20, 2023
Recently I was invited to lead a session on GRATITUDE AND GRIEF for a local organization called Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Services. I adapted that message to share with all of you here. Years ago, as I sat beside Mom’s hospital bed, temporarily placed in ours dining room—listening to her breathe and knowing she was...

Got a minute? That's all it takes to give thanks.
February 16, 2022
I’ll only take a minute or two of your time. Much like my new journal. My daughter gave me a gratitude journal for Christmas, and I’ve really enjoyed getting back into the practice of looking back over my days and remembering. I noticed that my gratitude entries read more like a diary—things I wanted to...

When the joy is hard to find
November 18, 2018
Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? Except that, if we’re honest, it’s not always. If you’ve followed me for any length of time you already know this: I lost my love for Christmas about the time I lost my mom. And then when I lost Dad seven years later,...

Giving Away "Giving"
August 14, 2018
I am a giver.Years ago, when Pastor Peg walked us through The 5 Love Languages book at church, it verified what I already knew: giving is my love language. It’s my favorite way to express love to the people in my life. It’s not about things, yet I love to find just the right thing to...

A letter to the woman who hates Mother's Day
May 10, 2018
I woke up on May 1 to an inbox full of emails: Stitch Fix—Want to Give Mom Something Special? Walgreens Photo—Get Mom’s Gift in Time with 40% Off Apple—Show Mom your <3 with gifts she’ll <3 Lightstock (stock photography)—Celebrating Mothers And they just keep coming. It’s out of control—they really think I should buy lamination...

Faith in a rear-view mirror
March 4, 2017
If you’ve been reading me for long, you know I’m not ashamed to admit all of the many ways I do things wrong, right? In that spirit, let me tell you about what I was thinking the other day when I passed a cop going the other direction, slammed on my brakes, saw his brake...

Searching for that elusive bigger room
August 1, 2016
The dream resurfaces, time and again. And it’s never quite the same, but it goes something like this. I’m in my house (which never looks like my real house). And there’s a door that I’ve forgotten to open, or maybe I just hadn’t noticed it. So I open it and am absolutely amazed because there’s...

Prayer for the mom without a mom
May 5, 2016
Dear Lord, Mother’s Day is hard. It’s difficult to celebrate this role when the one who taught me the most, the one whose opinion mattered so much, isn’t here any longer. It’s hard to think about how to be what my children need when I face this gaping hole, an absence where it still feels...