Crosswalk article

9 Simple Prayers to Reset Your Stressed Heart
May 6, 2019
As I composed an email to my editor asking for an extension because I don’t have time to write this article right now, I felt a little hitch in my spirit: “Now is the perfect time to write it.” And it is, but it’s also hard. It’s hard because the topic of this article has...

A prayer of remembering on Mother's Day
May 1, 2019
Dear Lord, How can I possibly celebrate Mother’s Day, when it’s a day that reminds me of all that I have lost? And yet, it’s also a reminder of all that I was given. I’ve spent the past few years carefully guarding my heart from You, Lord, because You didn’t answer my prayers the way...

10 Ways Social Media is Hurting Your Local Church
April 22, 2019
Let’s face it—social media plays a pivotal role in nearly everything we do, so why should church be any different? If we’re honest, it isn’t. When we look closely, it’s easy to see ways in which social media can hurt our local churches and, ultimately, even our individual faith. But remember—there are two sides to...

5 Problems Rooted in Pinterest (and 3 tips to get past them)
April 15, 2019
I am already anticipating a mob of angry people reacting to this headline, so let me start with this: Pinterest is not bad. In fact, it can be pretty wonderful. I’m as guilty as the next person of getting lost in time, clicking and pinning and planning and thinking. I have inspiration boards for clients’...

What You Need to Know about Making New Friends
April 12, 2019
“And these God-chosen lives all around—what splendid friends they make!” Psalm 16:3, The Message My friendships haven’t always been perfect. Trust me. I had a falling-out with my best friend early in my senior year of high school, relegating myself to a long year of walking the halls alone. I’m the one whose mom left...

11 Bad Ways to Study Your Bible
April 8, 2019
I struggled with this piece, because really, I could write it in one sentence: The only bad way to study your Bible is to NOT DO IT. See? Easy and simple. Done. But nothing in life is ever that simple, is it? And studying the Bible is a complex and often intimidating endeavor. Just like...

How to be friends with your pastor's wife
April 6, 2019
This should be easy, right? Intuitive? We don’t need checklists for how to be friends with our other friends, so why do we need this? Because we do. There is something inherently different about being friends with someone who holds a position of authority. It doesn’t mean one position is better than another—in fact, my...

10 powerful quotes that will change the way you live
April 1, 2019
Have you ever looked at a familiar verse in an unfamiliar Bible translation? Most of us have a preferred version, but reading it in a different translation often sheds new light on its meaning. It may reveal nuances, clarify details, or otherwise point us towards a deeper understanding. As Christians, we view the Bible as...

Should you feel shame for missing church?
March 30, 2019
If we could read people’s minds on Sunday mornings, we’d see all kinds of interesting thoughts… I’m tired. This is my only day to sleep in. People at church are hypocrites. They won’t even notice I’m not there. The ceiling would cave in if I walked through those doors. I know I should go, but...

10 things Christians get wrong about loving their neighbor
January 26, 2019
“Love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus said (Mark 12:31). Who among us wouldn’t agree with that statement? When I’m sitting in a pew on Sunday and my pastor teaches that concept, I nod my head in agreement. When I’m having quiet time and I happen upon that verse, I feel confident and slightly proud. Of...