Prayer, Creativity & Faith

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Wednesday's Word: SHARPEN

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Sharpen Pencils are tools for...... More »

Gallery of Gratitude—Week #4

15 weeks, 15 letters, 15 minutes. To start the new year, 2015. It’s never too late to join us. Learn about the challenge here. Someone who taught you to be curious A teacher, pastor, aunt or uncle, an author, a coach. This can be anyone who encouraged you to ask questions...... More »

Wednesday’s Word: SCRIBBLE

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Scribble When we pick up...... More »

Wednesday's Word: SCRIBBLE

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word. Read more about the idea here. Scribble When we pick up...... More »

Gallery of Gratitude—Week #3

15 weeks, 15 letters, 15 minutes. To start the new year, 2015. It’s never too late to join us. Learn about the challenge here. Several years ago, the first time I attended the Midwest Writers Workshop, I met this woman from Michigan. Irene invited me to lunch with some...... More »

Wednesday's Word: CANVAS

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. In the times when I believed I’ve heard from God, the message has been short. The words succinct. The meanings deep...... More »

Wednesday’s Word: CANVAS

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. In the times when I believed I’ve heard from God, the message has been short. The words succinct. The meanings deep...... More »

Gallery of Gratitude—Week #2

15 weeks, 15 letters, 15 minutes. To start the new year, 2015. It’s never too late to join us. Learn about the challenge here. WEEK 2 CHALLENGE: A PERSON YOU’VE LAUGHED WITH Your best friend. Your spouse or life partner. A co-worker, a roommate from college. Your child. Anyone...... More »

When you walk through a gallery or museum and examine the paintings on the walls, you’ll see a huge variety of brush strokes. Some are bold and thick and viscous, shiny streaks of color smeared onto the canvas. Some strokes are soft, virtually indistinguishable, carefully blended to leave no...... More »