Prayer, Creativity & Faith

You're viewing posts related to moving forward

Last week, I hired movers to haul a ridiculous number of boxes filled with office supplies and art materials. They unloaded them in Ladoga, Indiana, in the building that was my dad’s studio. Some of you know that he was a professional watercolorist, and he worked out of his...... More »

Wednesday’s Word: WAIT

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word—and, from there, let our thoughts take us where they may. Read...... More »

Wednesday's Word: WAIT

Sometimes we run out of words. And sometimes we have too many of them. Sometimes there’s so much to ask that we don’t even know where to begin. Which is why, on Wednesdays, we simplify to one word—and, from there, let our thoughts take us where they may. Read...... More »